Cymraeg/Welsh Second Language

Qualification type: Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A
This course will enable you to continue to develop your skills in the Welsh language which will give you added confidence to use the language in all kinds of situations, be they formal or informal. Studying
Welsh at this level will enable you to become a fluent Welsh speaker. Bilingual communication skills are increasingly sought after by employers and the course will enable you to develop these
skills to a high standard. Oral and written communication skills will be developed by the study of grammar, Welsh poetry and literature, film and other modern media, which are central to the course.
Completion of this course will also allow you to apply for Welsh medium university courses in Wales, some of which have monetary incentives to lessen the burden of student debt.


Progression routes: Careers in the following: Welsh Assembly Government, Media, NHS, Police Force, Law firms in Wales, Fire Service and the Public Sector.