ALN - Support

How we support pupils with Additional Learning Needs

We offer comprehensive support for ALN pupils which includes the following:




  • Provide advice, support and strategies to teachers
  • Collaborate with staff on teaching programmes and curriculum
  • Provide training to teachers and teaching assistants
  • Liaise with external agencies and primary schools
  • Work closely with parents and carers
  • Hold annual review meetings and learner profile meetings
  • Assess for examination access arrangements for pupils
  • The ALNCo can also assess pupils to determine their literacy and cognitive difficulties
  • Wordshark literacy programme is provided by experienced TAs to pupils who need some extra support. This can be during registration and/or in bespoke literacy lessons, which is available to a number of pupils
  • Circle of Friends; this is a small dedicated club offered at break and lunchtime that is staffed with a Teaching Assistant to support pupils who have difficulty integrating and socialising
  • Breakfast Club; this is a provision provided for vulnerable pupils each morning
  • Safe Haven space; the ALN Hwb and ALN Classroom have undergone an overhaul to provide a safe space for ALN pupils to help support their learning. They include a quiet area; breakfast/comfy reading area with access to computer facilities

Teaching Assistants

Teaching Assistants are deployed with a small group of pupils or within specific Year groups, particularly during Years 7 and 8. They are also allocated according to the requirements outlined in a pupil’s ‘Individual Development Plan’. They are allocated, where resources allow, to individual pupils or specific groups of pupils, such as those who require a more tailored intervention package in order to succeed.

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Classroom Support

Most support is provided in class by Teaching Assistant, meaning that a pupil can benefit from small group intervention and additional adults in the classroom. Some pupils are identified based on prior assessment data to participate in additional interventions (either 1:1 or in a small group setting) with literacy, numeracy or a social skill focus.


We have a dedicated Nurture Class in Year 7 which has a small group of 16 pupils supported by a qualified Nurture Teacher a Teaching Assistant. This group has the majority of their lessons with one teacher and is for ‘learners who require more support in accessing their learning in a mainstream school environment. They have an alternative curriculum based on literacy and numeracy and pupil well-being. The focus is to improve these important areas but also to build their confidence to transition into Year 8 into a small class that has access to our mainstream curriculum.

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Michael Berry
Head of Additional Learning Needs

Emma Tate
ALN Support Manager

If parents wish to discuss or find out about the changes to Special Educational Needs, please contact our Head of Additional Learning Needs, Mike Berry, or the ALN Support Manager, Emma Tate.