Business - Prestatyn sixth

Qualification type: Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A
The course content involves learning both how to run a business and the various roles that you can take on in a business. The course is completely exam based – ranging from short answer questions to case studies based on businesses. During the course, we aim to visit various businesses, engage with enterprise events, and encourage visiting business speakers. You are also encouraged to watch the news on a regular basis. Specific topics studied during the course include Enterprise, Business Plans, Business Finance, Business Structure, Management and Leadership, New technology, Demand and Supply and Motivation. Functions of: Marketing, Human Resources, Production and Finance. Additional opportunity to join and partake in The Young Enterprise competition where as a team of students you run your own business organisation.


Progression routes: Business Studies develops excellent transferable skills, leading to a wide range of degree courses, apprenticeships and employment opportunities including business management, international business, law, accountancy, advertising and PR, social media, events management and stock broker and finance banking.


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