Free school transport is available to secondary school (Year 7 to Year 11) pupils if their home is more than three miles away from the nearest suitable school or there is no safe walking route. The nearest suitable school is the nearest school to the child’s home that:
· provides education for the relevant age of a pupil
· is the nearest school to meet the language preference
· is the nearest faith school or non-faith school
Access to school transport is the responsibility of your residing Local Authority.
For more information regarding school transport within your area please click on the relevant Local Authority
Denbighshire | Flintshire
Travel code
All pupils travelling on school transport must adhere to the Behaviour Code. If pupils don’t follow the Code, so that pupils may travel safely, the Local Authority or school may bring a case against you. This could lead to pupils’ losing the right to use school transport

School minibus - 2020