Pupils at Prestatyn High School try out their new uniform.
Uniform and Equipment Policy
Uniform must be worn in school, to and from school and at official functions organised by the school. We believe that with ALL students in uniform, we can best reach those objectives of substantial achievement in an orderly atmosphere. Furthermore the appearance and general conduct of students makes an impression on the community and parents are asked to co-operate in ensuring that this impression is a favourable one.
The pupils should arrive at school sensibly equipped for the day. Please support the pupils and the school by noting:
- Electronic items, other than mobile telephones for emergency use, should not be brought into school. Mobile telephones, if brought into school, must be switched off and only used during breaks.
- Bags – should be big enough to contain an A4 size folder, all exercise books, journals and equipment.
- Pencil cases – these should include pens, pencils, ruler, rubber
- Water – pupils may wish to bring their own or we supply a bottle that they can fill from the water fountains. Water is freely available from water fountains located in the main corridors.
The school will not take action to investigate the theft or loss of electronic items that it has specifically asked pupils not to bring to school.