Download and read the Options brochure
‘A Learning Pathway should promote inclusion by providing opportunities for all learners to have access to a broad and balanced range of experiences. This will enable all learners to develop the skills they need for life and work’.
Learning Pathways 14-19 Guidance - Welsh Assembly Government
Students' individual Learning Pathways will vary and should provide appropriate opportunities for each learner to develop their formal, non-formal and informal experience to meet their varied needs, aptitudes and interests. The school organises and is involved in the delivery of a range of such opportunities for students, but others might be accessed by students outside school.
Options Evening 14th March 2023
Neuadd Mathew Williams / Sports Hall 5-7 pm
View the courses on offer
Prestatyn High School have a broad range of subjects
Creative Arts and Culture
Humanities & Languages
The Learning Core - Compulsory
Mathematics Science & Technology
Vocational and Services to People
Get some guidance from the school, parents or Careers - Options Evening 14th March
Guidance on courses
Great care should be taken in making decisions about subjects in the options menu. Guidance and further information can be obtained from the members of staff indicated in the subject course descriptions in this booklet, Learning Coaches and from Careers Wales. Students should then consider their choices carefully, taking into consideration their performance throughout Year 8 and other factors such as likes and dislikes, strengths and challenges.
A practice copy of the option form is included on the last page of this booklet. This practice option form should be used to help you make your decisions before you complete your final choices in school. This will enable you and your parents/guardians to be involved in this process.
Please make sure your choices are made by the end of the designated deadline.
Parents/Carers will have an opportunity to discuss pupil options with dedicated Subject Leaders during the Options Evening on the 14th March.
Careers guidance
From Year 9, students receive on-going careers advice through the careers adviser in school as well as via Careers Wales online. Throughout Year 11, careers advice is again made available through pastoral sessions. Students are encouraged to speak to their Learning Coach or Head of Learning in order to arrange a careers interview. Our Careers Wales advisor is available in the library every Tuesday between 3-5pm for pupils and parents by prior appointment through the main reception.
There is a comprehensive careers section within the school library and all pupils are encouraged to take the opportunity to obtain information and knowledge from this source.
Further Information:
Careers Wales
14-19 Learning Pathway
Provides a framework by which learners can follow a National Curriculum which provides some choice for learners and is designed to meet their individual needs. At Key Stage 4 (Years 9 to 11) there is greater flexibility for students, though some subjects and experiences remain compulsory for all. In making their choices, students will select from a range of courses and should aim to develop their interests and strengths, taking full advantage of all the advice available to them from a wide range of sources.
English, Maths, Numeracy, Science and Welsh Baccalaureate are compulsory for all. All students will study Double Award Science, counting for two GCSEs.
Physical Education, Religious Studies and Welsh must be taken by everyone.