It is important that the school holds the most up to date information in relation to the medical and healthcare needs of your child so that we can make necessary arrangements to support them.
The policy outlines in detail the procedures that the school takes in addressing healthcare needs.
Should any information in relation to your child's healthcare or medical needs change, please contact the school as soon as possible.
Should your child need medication administering by school staff, you will need to complete the consent form which can be downloaded or obtained from the main office. School will also need to have the medication so that it can be stored in a suitable place. The medication must be in date, in its original packaging and have the pharmacy labels clearly showing. Pupils must not carry their own medication on school site with them unless otherwise agreed as part of a healthcare plan.
School will not be able to administer pain medication to pupils that is not part of an agreed healthcare plan with the relevant consent forms completed.
The school has trained first aiders on site but these staff members are on hand to deal with emergency situations. If you think your child is unwell and needs medical attention, please speak to your GP service for advice.
If your child becomes unwell during the school day, they should report to a member of staff rather than contacting parents first, so that we can assign the relevant support and call parents/ carers where needed.
If you have any questions or queries in relation to the medical and healthcare needs of your child, please contact Mrs C Turner at the school.