
Qualification type: BTEC Level 3 subsidiary diploma equivalent to 1 A-level
This course is for students who have a passion for food, cooking, hospitality and catering. You will experience a range of activities centred on preparing, cooking, presenting and serving food. Units will focus on contemporary World food, Asian food and European food as well as presenting and serving food and drinks to guests, customer service and understanding the industry. You will develop your knowledge, skills and understanding through practical tasks. There is no exam. All assessment is completed through internal coursework assessments. No prior knowledge or skill of hospitality and catering is required. You will build up your cooking skills so they are a lifelong transferable skill that you will be able to use both for your employment and for leisure.
If you want to study this course you must put your name down early as we won’t be able to register you after starting 6th form
Entry requirements
5 grade C or above at GCSE No need to have studied Hospitality previously.

Progression routes: Further and higher education courses. Employment within one of the biggest worldwide employers as a chef, hotel/ restaurant manager, business owner, contract caterer, event manager, lecturer. There are hundreds of opportunities and careers available within this sector. Hospitality is one of the biggest employers around the world.

100% coursework

Tell me more about the subject and what I will learn