The Nurture Class in Prestatyn High School is a small, dedicated and inclusive provision of 16 pupils in Year 7 with a qualified Nurture Teacher a Teaching Assistant that offers a safe, structured, and predictable environment in the ALN Department.
It aims to provide a transitional year from Primary to mainstream Secondary School for those pupils who struggle to adjust to a complete change in their educational culture. Pupils are identified by Primary ALNCOs based on their KS2 data for pupils that have already had intensive interventions at Primary level (including evidence based on ELSA, Boxall, Attendance and Exclusion data). This data is also used to demonstrate whether progress has been made in the Nurture Class, including CATS. The group usually stay as a discreet group for Year 7. In Year 8, using KS3 Assessment data (and the above) pupils are expected to progress through their band. For some pupils, the Year 8 class may still be an appropriate environment.
There is a focus on literacy and numeracy as well as pupil well-being, improving confidence, self-esteem and team building. They do have additional lessons in Technology, Music, Art, Drama and Welsh.
Currently, the department has three dedicated rooms, one for the Nurture Class and two further rooms to support pupil development and engagement as well as a small kitchen for the department’s Breakfast Club. Two of the rooms have computer facilities to support the Nurture Class and other ALN pupils in the school.
Michael Berry
Head of Additional Learning Needs
Emma Tate
ALN Support Manager