School Safeguarding


Safeguarding legislation says that safeguarding is preventing and protecting children from abuse, neglect or other kinds of harm, and educating those around them to recognise the signs and dangers.


Safeguarding includes child protection, health care plans, health and safety, site security, safety on school trips, anti-bullying work and so much more.


We are committed to safeguarding and meeting the needs of all our children


Whole School Designated Safeguarding Person: Pam Hill

Deputy Child Protection Officers: Claire Turner, Allison Watson, Michelle Jones, Claire Morris, James Williams, David North and Connor Langley.


The PHS School Governor with responsibility for safeguarding is Jo Newell

The Chair of Governors at PHS is Lindsey Davenport.


Everyone has a responsibility to make sure that children within Prestatyn High School are safe.


The school adhere to the following legislation: Wales Safeguarding Procedures (2019) and Keeping Learners Safe (2021)

All staff receive regular Child Protection and Safeguarding training and are aware of the procedures for passing on concerns within school. If any members of the school or local community have concerns about the welfare of a child in the school, please pass them on to the school safeguarding team.


-Updated Sept 2022

We are an Operation Encompass School

Operation Encompass is a unique police and education early intervention safeguarding partnership enabling support for children and young people who have experienced domestic abuse.

All staff receive annual Child Protection and Safeguarding update training and are aware of the procedures for passing on concerns within school. If any members of the school or local community have concerns about the welfare of a child in the school, please pass them on to the school's safeguarding team.

Safeguarding concerns that are reported using this link will be dealt with during school hours. If you have an immediate concern for the welfare of another person, please contact the emergency services.