Potential Teacher Strike Days / Union Action

Dear Parents and Carers,
I do hope you are well. You may be aware from media coverage that similar to other public sector workers, some teaching unions have declared strike action. The proposed industrial action will take place on: Wednesday 1st February 2023; Tuesday 14th February 2023; Wednesday 15th March 2023 and Thursday 16th March 2023.
This has been well documented in the media. This could mean a partial or full closure of the school to pupils if these strikes take place.
This action will impact PHS and all schools in Wales depending upon how many staff decide to take industrial action. You may want to start thinking of alternative childcare arrangements for these days in case they are required, especially if you have primary aged children.
I will keep you up to date with the situation, and I will inform you of the final arrangements as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully,
Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA. Pennaeth Headteacher

Posted in News.