Enrichment timetable

Dear Parents and Carers,

Download the timetable - Timetable Enrichment V5 JW

Happy New Year. I do hope that you have had a restful break with family over the holidays and are now ready for another successful and engaging year. I am delighted to inform you that our enrichment opportunities and after-school clubs for 2023 are up and running with a host of sessions on offer for your child.

In the first term, we have seen over 1,400 students access the sessions and activities that have been on offer, and we are looking forward to seeing an increase in these numbers as the year progresses. We are now looking to expand the enrichment and are in the process of setting up a dedicated council so students can take a lead for sessions and play a more integral role in future plans.

Sessions and classes still take place between 3pm and 4pm. For all year groups, these include the core areas of additional learning, alongside extra qualifications, group sessions and physical activity. The sessions this term range from Art Club and Animal Care to Eco Club, F1 in School and Harry Potter Club. We offer plenty of groups and clubs to suit all ages and interests.

The PE Department offers a variety of physical activities for all year groups including football, basketball, gymnastics, badminton and rugby. Physical activity has a host of benefits and also improves wellbeing and physical/mental health. We have a few changes to the timetable this half term with archery being added on a Monday. In addition, basketball is returning on a Wednesday and GCSE badminton will be on a Tuesday.

All of the enrichment sessions will be registered in the same way as a normal lesson, and this is so that we know who is on site after the school has closed. A reminder that if pupils get the school bus home, and wish to attend an enrichment session, they can book on to the Prestatyn High School minibus at reception.

I have attached a copy of the 2023 timetable for you to explore what we have on offer this term. All sessions on the timetable also include information regarding which year group can attend. Please look closely at the key at the bottom of the page.

I do hope your child takes up this fantastic opportunity, and I look forward to welcoming them to the sessions.


Yours sincerely
Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.
Pennaeth Headteacher

James Williams
Alex Fuller
Enrichment Enrichment

Posted in News.