Options Evening

13+ Parents’ Information Evening – 13-19 Learning Pathways

Dear Parent / Guardian,

I am writing to invite you to our Learning Pathways Parents’ Information Evening to be held on Tuesday 4th February 2025. The time of the session for you to attend is outlined below based upon form group.
These subject choices are amongst the most important ones to be made in Prestatyn High School. This is a crucial evening when we will explain about the subjects and choices your son/daughter will be asked to make for their Key Stage 4 courses next year.

The Options Booklet will be issued to pupils before the evening and the booklet will also be available online on the school’s website. Please bring the options booklet with you on the night. Information has also been given to your son/daughter in assemblies prior to the event. I will explain in the hall the Learning Pathways, the external examinations and the different qualifications available. Information, advice and guidance on making appropriate decisions will be the focus of the evening and establish important dates to come.

There will be an opportunity to look at subject displays about the courses and ask any questions you may have about the options available. Careers Wales will have a representative on hand to advise and discuss the opportunities available. Can I please stress, however, that this is not the evening when we discuss the progress of individual students. The parents’ evening for year 9 will take place on May 6th and any further concerns regarding your son/daughters’ progress should be discussed by appointment with Mrs. Larkin.

Traditionally this information evening is extremely well attended by both students and parents. The evening will be organised in two sessions to ensure that all students and parents derive the maximum benefit from this opportunity to find out more about the many choices available. There is limited parking at school and along Princess Avenue, so with this in mind please try to stick to the times given and where possible to avoid congestion park away from the school.

5:00pm - 5.30pm - Parents & students in Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Neptune in the Hall, then 5.30pm – 6.00pm browse course and subject displays and talk to subject staff.
6.00pm – 6:30pm - Parents & students in Orion, Pluto, Saturn and Venus in the Hall, then 6.30pm – 7:00pm browse course and subject displays and talk to subject staff.


I look forward to seeing you at the Information Evening. If you have any queries regarding the arrangements, please contact me or Mrs. Larkin.


Yours sincerely,

Mr. A. Hall
Assistant Headteacher

Parent/Carer Letter – Last Day Arrangements

Annwyl Rhieni / Gwarcheidwiaid / Dear Parents / Carers,
Thank you for the ongoing support you have given the school this term. We work closely with parents and the local community to secure the highest levels of success for our pupils and students. As a school we have a lot to celebrate: excellent GCSE and A level results; fantastic sporting successes; several enriching residential visits; and our fabulous school production of Matilda.
We are exceptionally proud of all learners, and staff, and these amazing achievements reinforce our belief that what we are doing day to day is the right thing and that the high standards we hold continue to have an impact.
As a reward for everyone’s hard work, I am pleased to announce the school will be closing early at 12.20pm on Friday 20th December. This will allow pupils and their families a little extra time together to prepare for Christmas.
However, I am keen to stress that I do not expect to see a dip in attendance just because it is a shortened day. Pupils are expected to attend school and lessons as normal. The school has made all the necessary arrangements for school buses / taxis to be at school early to transport pupils home.
In the spirit of giving, we are also proud to announce our support for the local foodbank this Christmas. We kindly ask that pupils consider donating £1 or bring in a non-perishable food item. All contributions will be collected and donated to help those in our community who are in need during this festive season. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated and will make a difference to the lives of many.
School re-opens for new term:
The school re-opens for students on Tuesday 7th January; Monday 6th January is a staff training day.
I understand that many of you may currently be facing much bigger challenges than education, which is why we will look to provide wider support to you and your family wherever possible. If you do require additional support, please do not hesitate in contacting the school.
I wish nothing more than for you to have a restful and enjoyable Christmas with your loved ones.
Yr eiddoch yn gywir / Best wishes,
Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA

Home School Communication

Dear Parents/Carers,
Communication and partnership between home and school is vitally important to the success of a school. To support this, it is important that you are aware of the ways that you as parents/carers can contact a member of staff in school.
Email – Non urgent matters info@prestatynhigh.co.uk
Parents/carers should always email the school, or the appropriate member of staff, about a non-urgent matter, you can email the school office or the relevant member of staff who will make contact within 2 working days to acknowledge receipt and aim to respond in full within 5 working days.
Phone Calls - 01745 852312
If parents/carers need to speak to a specific member of staff about a non-urgent matter, you can email the school and ask for a telephone call at a convenient time, please can you give a number of suggestions where possible, then the relevant member of staff will attempt to contact you within 2 working days.
If this requested time is not possible due to teaching and other commitments, another member of staff will respond to schedule a call at a convenient time. We aim to make sure all parents/carers have spoken to the appropriate member of staff within five working days of your request.
Urgent issues
If issues are urgent, parents/carers please can you contact the school office. Urgent issues might include things like:
· Family emergencies
· Safeguarding and welfare issues
The relevant member of staff will then review the information shared with the school office, again making contact within two working days or sooner depending upon the triage of urgency.
If a parent/carer would like to schedule a meeting with a member of staff, could you please email the appropriate email address, or call the school office for support in making an appointment. We try to schedule meetings within five working days of the request.
Whilst teachers and support staff are available at the beginning and the end of the school day, we recommend suggesting several options in your email to support the calendaring of such meetings.
We understand that at times you may wish to visit the school and speak to a member of staff immediately, however in a busy school setting this is incredibly difficult, and as such immediate meetings with members of staff may not be available.
Yours faithfully,
PJ Hill
Pam Hill Assistant Headteacher

PHS Enrichment

Dear Parents/Guardians
Welcome back following the first half term, I hope that you have had a restful break and your child is ready for the last term before we break up for Christmas. I am delighted to attach the latest version of the enrichment timetable highlighting the opportunities and after-school clubs we have on offer. All sessions include information on which year group can attend using the key at the bottom of the page.
Over the last school term, we have seen over 1400 students access the sessions and activities that were on offer, which is fantastic. We are looking forward to seeing students returning and hopefully see new faces coming to participate and explore what’s on offer this term.
The sessions this term range from Art Club, Animal Care, Dungeons & Dragons, Eco Club, F1 in Schools, Xbox, VR & Retro Games Club and Lego so there are plenty to suit all ages and interests. This term we have added a Pokémon, Crochet, Debate Club, Warhammer 40,000, Christmas Craft and Knitting so there will be lots to do and have fun with before the Christmas break.
The PE department offer a variety of physical activities for all year groups including a choice of traditional sports such as netball and football. The timetable changes every half term and this term we have a variety of activities on offer throughout the week with the addition of badminton and basketball. Each of these activities are overseen by members of the PE department and LLS. These may attract students who enjoy engaging in new and different challenges. It would be great to see new faces coming to participate and explore what’s on offer.
All of the enrichment sessions are overseen by a dedicated member of staff and are registered in the same way as a normal lesson. This enables us to identify which students are on site after 3pm.
A reminder if pupils get the school bus home and wish to attend an enrichment session, they can book on to the Prestatyn High School minibus at the main office before the end of morning break.
I do hope your child takes up these fantastic opportunities, and I look forward to welcoming them to the sessions.
Yours faithfully,
Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA - Pennaeth/Headteacher
James Williams
Head of Enrichment
Alex Fuller
PE Enrichment