Phil Earle, teenage fiction author visit

On Monday 9th October, 2017, thirty-four Year 7 and 8 pupils from Prestatyn High School enjoyed the opportunity to meet Phil Earle, an author of teenage fiction, at Prestatyn Library. Phil Earle spoke about how, from being a non-reader and reluctant writer at school, he found a love of teenage fiction and decided to try writing his own books for teenagers. Now a several-times published author, he shared his experiences and engaged the pupils with ideas about where stories might come from, giving advice such as, “Let your imagination go for a walk,” and telling them that, “Good fiction asks you questions; it gives you moral dilemmas.” The pupils were clearly enthused, evident when they had the opportunity to offer ideas and ask questions. Some pupils left the talk with story ideas and were keen to start penning their own novels as soon as possible. Watch this space!

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