Dear Parents and Carers,
Download the letter - Festival letter 22-3-23
Last academic year, we provided you with information about the school’s anti-discrimination campaign: Discrimination: It stops with me. Since then, the campaign has been growing and building momentum. We have an inspirational group of young people supporting the school’s progress with the campaign. We have enhanced our procedures to address discrimination and we now have a bespoke curriculum called ‘Social Responsibility’ which allows us to educate our young people about being responsible and respectful citizens, as well as tackling many relevant issues and topics. We have had many opportunities to celebrate our success, ranging from our young people receiving a Police and Crime Commissioner’s Award, sharing good practice with other schools in the area, and we are awaiting a visit from the Education Minister of Wales, Jeremy Miles. As always, we are working with local partners and external agencies to support effective delivery and to ensure that our young people are receiving the very best in personal and social education at Prestatyn High School. Further information about the campaign can be found on our website.
We wanted to let you know that next week we have some exciting plans to celebrate diversity and culture, starting with a visit from the Police and Crime Commissioner on 27th March. During the week, students will take part in activities to celebrate cultures from around the world and they will positively focus on diversity with a variety of workshops and activities. These workshops will range from Jamaican cooking, Mandarin lessons, Irish dancing and African drumming. The week is going to be an exciting week of celebration which will also include our PHS Awards’ Evening. Students can also enjoy the new diversity mural that has been painted in school by a local artist. This signifies our student voice in a stand against discrimination and is a joyful representation of the celebration of our school community and the amazing people that make this community great.
At the end of the festival, on Friday 31st March, students are invited to come to school in their own clothes, as it will be a non-school uniform day. Students are encouraged to wear dress that represents their culture or character in a visual celebration of diversity that all of the school community can get involved in. Students are asked to donate £1 or bring in a can of food for this non-school uniform day. This will help the school support the local food bank and local charities.
We know that discrimination and hate are present at times in our community, Wales, and around the world. If we all work together, we can take a stand and drive out discrimination wherever we find it, step by step and lesson by lesson. It stops with us! Many thanks for your continued support.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs C Turner
Deputy Headteacher
Mrs K Garside
Head of Social Studies