National strike action on the 1st February 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,


Industrial Action_Letter to parents

As you aware, the NEU teaching union has announced national strike action on the 1st February 2023. This dispute is not with the school, but with the government over the funding for schools. Whilst we accept that this action is frustrating for parents, we would encourage you to read about the reasons for the action which we sent out last week.
As a large number of our teaching staff will be involved in this strike action, I have had to take the decision that the school will be closed to all pupils for that day. This is due to not having enough staff available to safely supervise pupils within the site. This decision has not been taken lightly and follows a thorough risk assessment of the situation. The school needs a certain number of staff to be present to function and keep everybody safe. Due to the nature of the industrial action no online learning will take place on the day of the strike.
The school will reopen as normal on the 2nd February.
If your son/daughter is entitled to free school meals, they are eligible to pick up a packed lunch from the main reception of the school between 12.00 and 12.30pm. We would encourage eligible pupils to take this offer up.
Further strike action is proposed for the 14th February, we hope that talks between government and unions will reach a resolution before this date, however, if they do not I will communicate closer to the time about arrangements for that day.
Many Thanks for your continued support.
Neil Foley – BSc, MA
Posted in News.