Online learning for pupils from 14th Dec

Dear Parents and Carers

I do hope this letter finds you well. On Thursday 10th December the Welsh Government announced that all secondary schools will switch to online learning for all pupils and students for next week, meaning that all learners are not to attend school for the final week of this term. This announcement has arrived with little notice for schools to plan and respond. School is not closed and staff are to attend and deliver lessons in this week.


Here are key points of information to address many of the issues for next week:

 All learners are to work from home via TEAMS for the final week. This week is NOT an early holiday and teachers will be setting online work for completion

 All lessons and work set will follow their normal timetable

 Teachers will be available on TEAMS to give support during lesson time where possible

 Any pupils or students who do not have a device that is capable of accessing online learning are required to contact their Head of Year so that we can set paper-based work. During the first lockdown the school gave out over 100 devices for learners that needed them and we do not have any further capability to provide any more technology

 Any learners on free school meals will receive an additional payment from DCC to cover this week. This payment will be made on the 21st December

 All learners MUST work online for this week and must continue to follow the government guidance on social distancing and remaining COVID-19 safe. Whilst in school, all learners and staff have been kept safe. This level of precaution and safety must continue whilst not in school

Pupils highlighted by the school as vulnerable or in need of additional support may still attend school just as they did during the initial lockdown. Parents and carers must contact the school if their child wishes to access this in school provision using the following email address:


DCC Education and schools did not call for this closure or switch to online learning, this is a national approach and a decision from Government based upon advice from the Chief Medical Officer. PHS have had very few cases of COVID-19 and we have not been directed to send any year group home by TTP since September. We did send Y13 home for online learning for one week as a precaution. Our attendance is one of the highest in the country and we are disappointed with this announcement.


I will write to you all again next week with a further update from the school.

School will be open to all pupils and students as planned on the 6th of January 2021


Best wishes and stay safe

Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.

Pennaeth Headteacher

Posted in News.