Subject: Physical Education - Exam Foundation
Head of Department: Mr C Evans
Qualification: GCSE & Vocational
Examination Board: WJEC
Course Content:
In Year 9, all pupils who choose this PE option will complete a ‘foundation’ year studying a variety of PE skills and principles. These will include practical units such as Fitness Tests and Training, Specific Sports and Leadership opportunities as well as classroom based theory lessons and written tasks/tests. At the end of the first year, pupils will then follow one of two different pathways – either GCSE PE or a Vocational Sport Course, both at Level 2.
The GCSE course is divided into two main sections. 50% of the overall mark is based around practical work. Pupils are assessed in 3 sporting activities. 50% of the mark is generated from theory based exam work. Topics for this section include Fitness, Anatomy, Sport in Society, Skill and Nutrition.
The Vocational Qualification is a variety of practical and theory work. Coursework modules include Sports Fitness, Sports Campaigning and Skill Development
How you will learn:
Pupils will have 4 extra PE lessons a fortnight. They will study the theory modules as well as completing practical work. Half of the lessons will be theory based during the course but many will have a practical element. Homework and tests occur regularly and a high level of effort is required in all aspects of the course.
How you will be assessed:
For the GCSE Course, pupils will be assessed in two main ways:•50% practical work – 3 sporting activities (school based/community based sports);•50% theory work – exam paper in Year 11.
For the Vocational Course, most of the assessment is coursework based as well as practical marking.
Additional Skills:
It is strongly advisable that pupils taking these courses will have gained at least Level 6 at Key Stage 3. They must enjoy all aspects of practical sport and physical activity, including fitness training. Pupils choosing GCSE PE must ensure they have 3 strong practical sports, a good level of fitness and willingness commit to extra-curricular work. Both courses are important if you wish to take BTEC Sport Level 3 in the Sixth Form.
PE and Sport can lead to; teaching and coaching, sports science, medicine, the armed forces, leisure and fitness, sports development, outdoor work.
For further information see: Mr C Evans
Why should I choose this subject?
Creative Arts and Culture
Humanities & Languages