Subject: Cymraeg - Options (Compulsory)
Head of Department: Mrs S Bennett
Qualification: GCSE
Examination Board: WJEC
Course Content:
The contents of the new syllabus will relate to all areas of experience familiar to students and will aim to develop them in the skills and expertise required to become confident and competent Welsh speakers and writers at a level suitable for everyday life. Students begin their GCSE studies in Year 9. The context for learning the language is organised under three broad themes of EMPLOYMENT, WALES AND THE WORLD and YOUTH.
How you will learn:
Pupils will learn through a combination of individual and pair/group work, listening to fellow pupils, reading relevant material, watching DVD clips, speaking and writing about their own experiences and responding to external stimuli.
How you will be assessed:
There are four units of study and each unit will be assessed in year 11.
Unit 1: Oracy response to visual stimulus. A single task for a pair or group of three. 25% of the qualification. Speaking (10%), Listening (15%).
Unit 2: Communicating with other people. Also a single task for a pair or groups of three. 25% of the qualification. Speaking (20%), Listening (5%).
Unit 3: Narrative, specific and instructional written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes. 25% of the qualification. Reading (15%), Writing (10%).
Unit 4: Descriptive, creative and imaginative written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes. 25% of the qualification. Reading (10%), Writing (15%).
Additional information / skills:
Knowledge of another language can enhance your job and career prospects. All sorts of employers will be interested in you because it will demonstrate that you are adaptable, resourceful and possess good communication skills.
This GCSE course progresses to AS or A Level post 16 for those students who wish to continue the study of the language.
Job ideas:
Any job where you are dealing with the public, travel and tourism, leisure, hospitality, catering, banking and finance, information technology, education and journalism.
For further information see: Mrs S Bennett
Why should I choose this subject?
Creative Arts and Culture
Humanities & Languages