Parent/Carer Letter re: Parking/Safety

Dear Parents/Carers,
Thank you for your ongoing support, we work closely with parents, carers and the local community to ensure the school site is as safe as possible for our children.
I would like to remind parents and carers it is imperative to drive and park safely during drop off times and at the end of the school day. Princes Avenue is a main thoroughfare and in constant use during the day, if parents and carers do not park safely it does restrict access along the road and reduces visibility of pedestrians crossing the road. Parking, such as mounting pavements, double parking, stopping on any yellow lines, and obstructing access to crossing points could cause danger to pupils and other road users.
Accidents can arise if views are obstructed or pedestrians have to negotiate between parked vehicles. Please park responsibly and consider the residents nearby to the school. Could I also remind parents and carers to adhere to the speed limit around the school, the mornings are especially busy on Princes Avenue and in the main car park during drop off.
Thank you for your continued support,
PJ Hill
Mrs PJ Hill
Assistant Headteacher
Posted in News.