Home School Communication

Dear Parents/Carers,
Communication and partnership between home and school is vitally important to the success of a school. To support this, it is important that you are aware of the ways that you as parents/carers can contact a member of staff in school.
Email – Non urgent matters info@prestatynhigh.co.uk
Parents/carers should always email the school, or the appropriate member of staff, about a non-urgent matter, you can email the school office or the relevant member of staff who will make contact within 2 working days to acknowledge receipt and aim to respond in full within 5 working days.
Phone Calls - 01745 852312
If parents/carers need to speak to a specific member of staff about a non-urgent matter, you can email the school and ask for a telephone call at a convenient time, please can you give a number of suggestions where possible, then the relevant member of staff will attempt to contact you within 2 working days.
If this requested time is not possible due to teaching and other commitments, another member of staff will respond to schedule a call at a convenient time. We aim to make sure all parents/carers have spoken to the appropriate member of staff within five working days of your request.
Urgent issues
If issues are urgent, parents/carers please can you contact the school office. Urgent issues might include things like:
· Family emergencies
· Safeguarding and welfare issues
The relevant member of staff will then review the information shared with the school office, again making contact within two working days or sooner depending upon the triage of urgency.
If a parent/carer would like to schedule a meeting with a member of staff, could you please email the appropriate email address, or call the school office for support in making an appointment. We try to schedule meetings within five working days of the request.
Whilst teachers and support staff are available at the beginning and the end of the school day, we recommend suggesting several options in your email to support the calendaring of such meetings.
We understand that at times you may wish to visit the school and speak to a member of staff immediately, however in a busy school setting this is incredibly difficult, and as such immediate meetings with members of staff may not be available.
Yours faithfully,
PJ Hill
Pam Hill Assistant Headteacher
Posted in Letters home, News.